Flights of Fantasy

The Classic books that burn our souls Are nothing more than words. Yet when we read our hearts will cry To share the flight of birds.

Location: New England, United States

I love reading. I love watching funny movies. Its sad, but that sums up a lot. But I quite enjoy it. :P

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Enchanter’s End Game, By David Eddings

It’s the end! It’s the last book of the Belgariad! Are you sad that the story will be over? Are you sad that the characters are going away now? Those last two questions actually answer the reason I keep reading these books. After a while I do start to miss them. But onto the plot summary:

Garion and Belgarath and Silk snuck out of Riva in an attempt to avert war and confront Torak on their own terms. Garion realized that he would have to fight Torak no matter what, so involving armies would be a terrible waste. But Ce’Nedra discovered that unless armies are formed, gathering up all the loose Angaraks, Garion might not make it to Cthol Mishrak. So all events have been set in motion that have been predetermined almost since the beginning of time. The two prophecies will soon collide and Garion and Torak must fight to decide the victor. But there are other parts of the prophecy that no one understands, and no one will understand until after they happened. And that is the most unsettling part of all, for if the prophecy on the side of good is to win, Polgara must resist the tremendous will of a god: if she fails she will become his bride.

The Belgariad is over. I am guessing that it won’t take much for some of you to guess how the story ends. But even though you probably were able to predict most of the major and minor plot threads of this story, I hope I’ve been able to convince you that these books are still worth reading. Yes, the ideas are cliché and predictable, yes you’ve read them before, but it is how Eddings writes that makes it worth it. The characters are absolutely lovable. The words themselves are quite fun. I’ve mentioned before that Eddings has such a delightful dry wit: this alone makes the books worth reading. He has so many wonderfully funny lines said by many wonderfully funny characters. It makes you wish that all people could be this witty and clever: life would be so much better.

By this point you’ve hopefully decided whether or not you’ll read these books: I hope you decide yes. Not just for the boost it’ll give my ego if you read them ‘cause I said to, but for the hopefully good experience you’ll have reading them. I can’t promise you you’ll like them. That would be very silly of me. But you could at least try?


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