Flights of Fantasy

The Classic books that burn our souls Are nothing more than words. Yet when we read our hearts will cry To share the flight of birds.

Location: New England, United States

I love reading. I love watching funny movies. Its sad, but that sums up a lot. But I quite enjoy it. :P

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Circle of Magic: Sandry’s Book, by Tamora Pierce

Four children of very different backgrounds have been brought to Winding Circle Temple. Sandry is a noble, Briar is a thief, Tris is from a merchant family, and Daja is a Trader. Each of them has had a hard life so far: Sandry’s parent’s died in the plague in Hatar, and she was locked in a cellar without a light for days: Briar grew up in a rough district of Sotat and has always been a thief: Tris’s parents left her at a temple, believing she was demon possessed, and no one has ever loved her or taken care of her: Daja was cast out of the Trader community after the ship she was on sank, and she was the only survivor. A mage named Niklaren Goldeye found each of them and brought them to Winding Circle. They don’t really know why they’re there, but Winding Circle is a place of magic, and magic is about to enter their lives forever.

Each of the Circle of Magic books (there are four) are told mostly from the point of view of one person. It will switch back and forth a bit, especially in this first one because we are just getting to know all the characters. Sandry’s book is told marginally from her perspective, and some of the story is about her specifically. But we have a lot to learn about all the characters, and it is worth it. All of them are so different, yet they manage to live together and even become friends.

This is a lighter read, more for young adults. The plot is decently tight with good characters and interesting ideas. My personal favorite character is Briar, but no character is better written than the others. They are short books that are good for enjoyment and fun. I would put this on the higher end of fluff, approaching real substance. Tamora Pierce is a good writer, who knows exactly how to write for her audience.


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